javascript - Get fileName in jquery Upload plugin for append it in html form -

i have issue jquery upload plugin, using jquery upload file plugin version: 3.1.10 , problem filename wich want copy database.

i have html form little complex texts, checkboxes, etc.

a part of form looks this:

<form>    <input type="text" name="titlu" value="marcel">    <div id="incarcareimagine">upload image</div>    <button type="button" onclick="showvalues()">publish</button>         </form>          <script>         function showvalues() {             var str = $( "form" ).serialize();             $( "#results" ).html( str );             var datastring = "results="+ str;             $.post('motor/parser_incarcare.php',datastring,function(theresponse){                 //alert('data sended php'); //shows data php response             });           }         </script> <script src="js/jquery.uploadfile.min.js"></script> <script>         $(document).ready(function()         {              var settings = {                 url: "upload.php",                 method: "post",                 allowedtypes:"jpg,png,jpeg",                 filename: "myfile",                 multiple: false,                 onsuccess:function(files,data,xhr){}             }             $("#incarcareimagine").uploadfile(settings);           });     </script> 

file upload plugin here:

this script on succes of upload image auto generating contet under #incarcareimagine 1). the_name_of_the_uploaded_file.jpg , progress bar under text.

my question how generate inside of <form> child this: <input type='hidden' name='image' value='the_name_of_the_uploaded_file.jpg'>

my upload.php looks like:

$director_img = "fisiere_pub/img/";  if(isset($_files["myfile2"])) {           $ret2 = array();  $error =$_files["myfile2"]["error"]; {          if(!is_array($_files["myfile2"]['name'])) //single file     {         $filename = $_files["myfile2"]["name"];         move_uploaded_file($_files["myfile2"]["tmp_name"],$director_img. $_files["myfile2"]["name"]);         //echo "<br> error: ".$_files["myfile"]["error"];          $ret2[$filename]= $director_img.$filename;     }     else     {         $filecount = count($_files["myfile2"]['name']);         for($i=0; $i < $filecount; $i++)         {             $filename = $_files["myfile2"]["name"][$i];             $ret2[$filename]= $director_img.$filename;             move_uploaded_file($_files["myfile2"]["tmp_name"][$i],$director_img.$filename );         }      } } echo json_encode($ret2);  } 

so in end have complete form , ready sending complete data via ajax - serialize() php parser copy wanted data mysql database

thanks in advance team!

not sure why need (can't name php side?) if want add along lines of:

function showvalues() {     $("form").find("*[name=image]").remove();     var field = $("<input type='hidden' name='image' value=''>");     field.val($("form").find('input[type=file]').val());     $("form").append(field);     var str = $( "form" ).serialize(); 


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