ruby on rails - Invalid gemspec error in ZenTest. Invalid requirements -

after installing testing tools, keep getting invalid gemspec error anytime type command. following error:

invalid gemspec in [/var/lib/gems/1.9.1/specifications/zentest-4.10.1.gemspec]: illformed requirement ["< 3.0, >= 1.8"] 

i have tried updating latest zentest gemfile of 4.11.0 , downgrading earlier versions no luck. have tried uninstalling them gemfiles , re-installing them using following procedure:

$ gem uninstall zentest

$ sudo gem update --system

$ gem install zentest

the warning still comes up.

why ["< 3.0, >= 1.8"] illformed requirement? when have updated latest gem files program? doing wrong?

according this thread on github, suggests changing gemspec line from:

["< x.x,>= x.x"] ["< x.x",">= x.x"] 

i tested , has worked far. makes sense me maybe it's syntax error. again, learning , not expert nor have full grasp on terminology yet. don't take credit fix gentleman in thread found on github. wanted share.


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