vb.net - Want to create function validating textbox with letters only -

and function validate specific format " ad12-xyx- 123-efd-20"

i have created function numbers only' want similar this

private sub allownumericonly(byval ctrl control)     if not isnumeric(ctrl.text) , ctrl.test<> ""         msgbox("please enter numbers only." , vbinformation)        ctrl.text = ""        ctrl.focus()      end if  end sub 

please help!

here's method detect letters there far more problem that.

private function isallalpha(text string) boolean     return text.all(function(ch) char.isletter(ch)) end function 

notice have written function rather sub. original method poorly written. should doing handling validating event of control, validating control contents in event handler , setting e.cancel true if fails, in case control retain focus. validation can done in place or method takes in string , returns boolean. example:

private sub textbox1_validating(sender object, e system.componentmodel.canceleventargs) handles textbox1.validating     e.cancel = not validatetextbox(textbox1, addressof isallalphaorspace, "please enter letters or spaces.") end sub  private sub textbox2_validating(sender object, e system.componentmodel.canceleventargs) handles textbox2.validating     e.cancel = not validatetextbox(textbox2, addressof isallnumeric, "please enter numeric digits.") end sub  private function validatetextbox(textbox textbox, validator func(of string, boolean), errormessage string) boolean     dim isvalid = validator(textbox.text)      if not isvalid         textbox.selectall()         textbox.hideselection = false          messagebox.show(errormessage, "invalid input", messageboxbuttons.ok, messageboxicon.error)          textbox.hideselection = true     end if      return isvalid end function  private function isallalphaorspace(text string) boolean     return text.all(function(ch) char.isletter(ch) orelse ch = " "c) end function  private function isallnumeric(text string) boolean     return text.all(function(ch) char.isdigit(ch)) end function  private function isallalphanumeric(text string) boolean     return text.all(function(ch) char.isletterordigit(ch)) end function 

if want validate complex format indicated might consider using maskedtextbox or else use regex. i'm not of expert in finding out how should easy letters , digits.


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