email - HTML image map incorrectly maps for some users but not others -
okay, have email have created images use maps redirect different links. email works fine email , 1 other's email, person has links bottom image not mapping correctly.
<img src="" usemap= #homebuttons border=0 width=600> <map name=homebuttons> <area shape=rect coords=0,0,120,48 href=""> <area shape=rect coords=120,0,240,48 href=""> <area shape=rect coords=240,0,360,48 href=""> <area shape=rect coords=360,0,480,48 href=""> <area shape=rect coords=480,0,600,48 href=""> </map>
but on image, other user having issues
<img src="" usemap= #adgraphic border=0> <map name="adgraphic" id="adgraphic"> <area alt="" title="" href="" shape="rect" coords="0,5,600,182" style="outline:none;" target="_self" /> <area alt="" title="" href="" shape="rect" coords="9,1205,224,1278" style="outline:none;" target="_self" /> <area alt="" title="" href="" shape="rect" coords="231,1206,451,1277" style="outline:none;" target="_self" /> </map>
on other user's site 2 last areas mapped image higher should be
we tried opening image in browsers , in outlook, not replicate issue nor find solution.
any ideas?
i not sure, main difference first image has width , second no, have tried adding width second image ?
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