sql - How check if the sum of the values of two columns, in the same row have exactly 100 as result in mysql -
i have problem in mysql (phpmyadmin).. should want check if values of 2 columns 100… example have table
| blablabla | blablabla | value1 | value2 |
and user want add values(bla, bla, 20, 30).. 20 , 30 can't added in table because 20+30<>100.. code is:
alter table `partita` check (`100` = (select (`possesso_palla_casa`+`possesso_palla_ospite`) `partita`))
but naturally wrong.. how can do? thank all!!!
as commented mysql doesn't support check
constraint. per mysql documentation says:
the check clause parsed ignored storage engines
you should rather use before insert
trigger alternative below
delimiter // create trigger sumcheck_before_insert before insert on bla_table each row begin if (new.value1 + new.value2 <> 100) signal sqlstate '45000' set message_text = 'can not insert data'; end if end; // delimiter ;
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