jquery - How to animate object one by one? -
i trying animation object 1 one. using animate.css animation. have 7 li
item in example below, zoom @ time, want product 1 zoom 1st 2,3.4---7 each delay 1s or 10ms like:
<li class="animated zoomin prod pos1">product 1</li> <li class="animated zoomin prod pos2">product 2</li> <li class="animated zoomin prod pos3">product 3</li> <li class="animated zoomin prod pos4">product 4</li> <li class="animated zoomin prod pos5">product 5</li> <li class="animated zoomin prod pos6">product 6</li> <li class="animated zoomin prod pos7">product 7</li>
i saw animate.css document said delay use -vendor-animation-delay: 2s;
tried still not success yet.
demo : http://jsfiddle.net/cyber007/6x9re4yf/
additional trying. whenever click on of them object zoom out same 1 one. idea how can that?
your -vendor-animation-delay: 2s;
should animation-delay: 2s;
this works fine:
animation-delay: 2s;
additional trying. when ever click on of them object zoomout same 1 one. idea how can that
add jquery event this:
$(document).ready(function(){ $(".animated").click(function(){ $(".hexagonarea li.pos1").delay(1).animate({width:"0px",height: "0px"}); $(".hexagonarea li.pos2").delay(500).animate({width:"0px",height: "0px"}); //add other pos3,pos4..... here }); });
take here: http://jsfiddle.net/0lv8ycju/
update: have include jquery lib head of document
i managed simple loop each() zoumout 1 one small snippet here is:
$(document).ready(function(){ $(".animated").click(function(){ var i=1; //delay time var y=1; $( "li" ).each(function( index ) { $(".hexagonarea li.pos"+y).delay(1+i).animate({width:"0px",height: "0px"}); $(".hexagonarea li.pos"+y).css({overflow:"hidden"}); i+=100;// increase increase delay time (miliseconds) y+=1; }); }); });
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