vb.net - How to populate a ComboBox based on another ComboBox through SQL Server? -
this question exact duplicate of:
i want able have 2 comboboxes 1 parent or owner of second one, through connection string on sql server. means whenever select value in first combobox
, second combobox
filter it's results display corresponding values related first combobox
. if see code below, error states:
error 1 method 'private sub cboclient_selectedindexchanged(sender object, e system.eventargs, envname string)' cannot handle event 'public event selectedindexchanged(sender object, e system.eventargs)' because not have compatible signature.
- change database connection
- query proper user data correct database
- populate user combo box user data
my code:
private sub cboclient_selectedindexchanged(sender object, e eventargs, byval envname string) handles cboclient.selectedindexchanged using con2 new sqlconnection(configurationmanager.connectionstrings("constr").connectionstring) 'getting connection string specific client dim cmd2 new sqlcommand("select * tblconnections envname = '" & "@envname" & "'", con2) con2.open() dim dt new datatable dt.load(cmd2.executereader()) cmd2.parameters.add("@envname", sqldbtype.varchar) cmd2.parameters("@envname").value = envname if dt.rows.count > 0 dim clientconstring string = dt(0)("connectionstring") 'getting yalusers info client specific database\ using con3 new sqlconnection(clientconstring) cmd2 = new sqlcommand("select * yalusers", con3) con3.open() dt.load(cmd2.executereader()) cbouser.datasource = dt cbouser.displaymember = "first_name" cbouser.valuemember = "id" con3.close() end using else 'show error message : missing connection string in yalconnections table end if con2.close() end using end sub
how can fixed?
update: when run app, have 6 items in first combobox , ever 1 select, doesn't populate second combobox. why??
you cannot add parameter event handler. must have definition:
private sub cboclient_selectedindexchanged(sender object, e eventargs) handles cboclient.selectedindexchanged doselectedindexchanged(sender, e, something) end sub
create separate subroutine work need not let handle event.
private sub doselectedindexchanged(sender object, e eventargs, byval envname string) handles cboclient.selectedindexchanged
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