vb.net - referencing a dll in a windows service -
i wrote opc client using interop.opcautomation.dll. wrote windows form in vb 2010 express. working well. wanted make windows service though. problem having not connect opc server when run service. following exception "object reference not set instance of object.- opc connect error" exception @ end of code trying connect. below code. input, appreciated.
imports system.serviceprocess imports system.threading imports system.text imports system.windows.forms imports system imports system.io imports system.io.file imports system.net imports opcautomation public class service1 inherits system.serviceprocess.servicebase dim withevents opcserver opcautomation.opcserver dim withevents connectedgroup opcautomation.opcgroup dim batch string dim group string dim press string dim line string dim swidth string dim sheight string dim sbifold string dim score string dim startup integer dim ihandle integer dim serror string dim itemids(60) string dim serverhandles array dim clienthandles(60) integer dim servererrors array dim snapserverurl string = "snapserver" private trd thread private stopping boolean = false private stoppedevent new manualresetevent(false) protected overrides sub onstart(byval args() string) eventlog.writeentry("presscontrolservice in onstart.") trd = new thread(addressof servicemain) trd.isbackground = true trd.start() end sub protected overrides sub onstop() eventlog.writeentry("presscontrolservice in onstop.") me.stopping = true me.stoppedevent.waitone() end sub private sub servicemain() dim stropcservername string dim stropcservernode string dim stropcgroupname string dim integer startup = 0 stropcservername = "kepware.kepserverex.v5" stropcservernode = "" stropcgroupname = "mygroup" try dim opcserver new opcautomation.opcserver catch ex exception eventlog.writeentry(ex.message & " - new opc server") end try try opcserver.connect(stropcservername, stropcservernode) catch ex exception eventlog.writeentry(ex.message & "- opc connect error") end try end sub end class
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