ExtJS grid emptyText not visible in panel with vbox layout -
i'm using ext js 5.1.0. if create grid in vbox layout no records, emptytext rendered in dom, height of grid calculated incorrectly , text not visible. there way automatically grow without having set height?
ext.onready(function () { ext.define('foo', { extend: 'ext.data.model', fields: ['foo'] }); ext.define('foostore', { extend: 'ext.data.store', model: 'foo', data: [ /* { foo: 'foo1' }, { foo: 'foo2' } */ ] }); var foostore = ext.create('foostore', {}); ext.create('ext.panel.panel', { renderto: ext.getbody(), layout: { type: 'vbox', align: 'stretch' }, items: [ { xtype: 'grid', title: 'foo grid', store: foostore, //height: 200, /* uncomment , emptytext visible */ viewconfig: { emptytext: 'no foos found', deferemptytext: false }, columns: [ { text: 'foo', dataindex: 'foo', flex: 1 } ] } ] }); });
i have fiddle here: https://jsfiddle.net/dsoa/ctx6vmkz/1/
add layout: 'auto'
grid config.
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