javascript - Multiple custom filters in AngularJS -
i want put 2 customs filters on data. each filter working independently, when put 2 on same data, have error message (typeerror: input.replace not function), if comment this, have error message (error: [$sce:itype] attempted trust non-string value in content requiring string: context: html)
the 2 customs filters gobold take no argument, , limithellip takes maximum length of string argument.
thanks lot, here code :
angular.module('appfilters', []). filter('gobold', function($sce) { return function (input) { input = input.replace(' filter ',' <strong>word filtered</strong> '); return $sce.trustashtml( input ); } }). filter('limithellip', function($sce) { return function (input, limit) { console.log(limit); if( input.length > 100 ) { input = input.substring(0,100); var index = input.lastindexof(" "); input = input.substring(0,index) + "…"; } return $sce.trustashtml( input ); } });
<ion-content class="has-subheader"> <ion-item class="element item item-divider" data-ng-repeat="item in blocinfos" > <a href="#/list/{{ item.url }}"> <img data-ng-src="img/{{ item.imageurl }}" alt=""> <h2 class="title">{{ item.title }}</h2> </a> <p data-ng-bind-html="item.text | limithellip: 100 | gobold" class="wrap"></p> </ion-item> </ion-content>
this because first filter return $sce.trusashtml()
, not string can't call replace()
so, have change string
angular.module('appfilters', []). filter('gobold', function($sce) { return function (input) { input = input.tostring(); //this line added input = input.replace(' filter ',' <strong>word filtered</strong> '); return $sce.trustashtml( input ); } }). filter('limithellip', function($sce) { return function (input, limit) { input = input.tostring(); //maybe have add here console.log(limit); if( input.length > limit ) { input = input.substring(0,limit); var index = input.lastindexof(" "); input = input.substring(0,index) + "…"; } return $sce.trustashtml( input ); } })
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