PHP don't return number by jquery ajax -
i unable solve problem , have no idea i'm doing wrong
i got php file called gettotalprotocolobyfilter.php
<?php require_once(dirname(__file__).'/../datos/conexionmssql.class.php'); try { $conexionmssql = conexionmssql::getinstance(); $query="select count(1) total protocolos_web_new tipo = ".$_post['tipo']; $conexionmssql->abrir('ingcer_bd'); $result = $conexionmssql->consulta($query); $conexionmssql->cerrar(); $total=new stdclass(); while ($row = mssql_fetch_object($result)) { echo json_encode($row->total); } } catch (exception $e) { error_log($e->getmessage()); } ?>
and js function:
var gettotalprotocolosbyfilter = function(filter){ total=0; $.ajax({ url: '/protected/functions/gettotalprotocolosbyfilter.php', type: 'post', async:false, datatype: 'json', data: filter, success: function(response){ total=response; } }) .done(function() { console.log("success"); }) .fail(function() { console.log("error"); }) .always(function() { console.log("complete"); }); return total; }// fin gettotalprotocolosbyfilter
and don't nothing on ajax response, if change echo json_encode($row->total);
echo json_encode("".$row->total);
i got: 0:"1"
on top number echo, bottom string echo
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