javascript - Not allowing a user to move forward to logging in until given access -
this question exact duplicate of:
i trying figure out how deny user access signing in site unless have been approved. making site private allow join. can register, once they given permission/group level of 1 or 'bench'. once accept user , change permission level, able login.
as of now, stopping level/group 1 users redirect index page(where sign in at). however, want not allow them move forward next page @ all. reason being want display sort of pop alert displaying message created.
i'm not sure if can validation or way trying it. added on login code , attempting put permission code had on signed in page try stop start. basically, in attempt if user tries log in, script dies once sees permission level @ group 'bench'. pop alert displays saying why.
i'm not having success it. group/permission levels have name , id. have tried putting both in single quotatiob's 'bench' , '1', same error both.
fatal error: call member function haspermission() on non-object in /home4/pfarley1/public_html/ on line 12
i'm trying log them in this...
<?php if(input::exists()) { if(token::check(input::get('token'))) { $validate = new validate(); $validation = $validate->check($_post, array( 'username' => array('required' => true), 'password' => array('required' => true) )); // added line in if($user->haspermission('1')) { die($permissionerror);} if($validation->passed()) { $user = new user(); $remember = (input::get('remember') === 'on') ? true : false; $login = $user->login(input::get('username'), input::get('password'), $remember); if($login) { redirect::to('userindex.php'); } else { $tryagain = '<span class="signinpanel">' . "the information entered did not match our records." . '</span>'; } } else { foreach($validation->errors() $error) { echo $error, '<br>'; } } } } ?>
my permission code users..
public function haspermission($key) { $group = $this->_db->get('groups', array('id', '=', $this->data()->group)); if($group->count()) { $permissions = json_decode($group->first()->permissions, true); if($permissions[$key] == true) { return true; } } return false; }
what doing wrong this or there better way this?
edit: last question wasn't specific enough, added info , there has been modification code in how trying this.
what $user
on line 12?
if($user->haspermission('1')) {
error message pretty explicit.
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