dll - Do windows services log why they wont start? -
i have windows service not start on brand new windows server 2012 installation.
when attempt start service, error.
the foobar service on local computer started , stopped. services stop automatically if not in use other services or programs.
i come linux background, , don't use windows much. in troubleshooting attempts, have been able gather following logs.
the requested performance counter not custom counter, has initialized readonly.\u000d\u000a @ system.diagnostics.performancecounter.initializeimpl()\u000d\u000a @ system.diagnostics.performancecounter..ctor(string categoryname, string countername, string instancename, boolean readonly)\u000d\u000a @ system.diagnostics.performancecounter..ctor(string categoryname, string countername, boolean readonly)\u000d\u000a @ foobar.sage.onstart(string[]
things have tried front page of google.
ps c:\users\sowen> lodctr c:\windows\microsoft.net\framework\v4.0.30319\corperfmonext.dll ps c:\users\sowen> lodctr c:\windows\microsoft.net\framework64\v4.0.30319\corperfmonext.dll
ps c:\users\sowen> unlodctr .netframework removing counter names , explain text .netframework updating text language 009ps ps c:\users\sowen> lodctr 'c:\windows\inf\.netframework\corperfmonsymbols.ini'
modify hklm/\software\microsoft\windows nt\currentversion\perflib
disable performance counters = 0
loadctl /r
none of these attempts have resolved issue. there place windows shows additional logging why service wont start?
there doesn't appear more can logging besides looking @ event viewer.
i got running using installutil instead of sc.exe
sc.exe create foobar obj= "example.com\\someuser" password= "correct-horse-battery-staple" binpath= c:\foobar.exe start= auto depends= "msmq" sc.exe delete foobar c:\windows\microsoft.net\framework64\v4.0.30319\installutil.exe /user="example.com\someuser" /password="correct-horse-battery-staple" c:\foobar.exe
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