ruby - Rails Carrierwave url is nil unless queried again -
i having issue carrierwave/active-record in rails application. problem following code resolves of images null
<% ad.all.limit(30).each |ad| %> <img src="<%= ad.carrier_image.url %>" > <% end %>
where following renders images fine
<% ad.all.limit(30).each |ad| %> <img src="<%= ad.find( %>" > <% end %>
the urls there, on initial loop carrier_image not seem preloaded active record objects think issue understanding of rails eager loading, having trouble figuring out how 1 avoid issue
what happens when use rails image_tag helper? you're missing brackets off url call per carrierwave documentation, don't think that's what's causing drama.
<%= image_tag ad.carrier_image_url() %>
as side note, should move "ad.all.limit(30)" out of view if wish keep "railsy".
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