Working datetime between php and mysql -
i'm want check if way correct or not. want calculate remaining time event.
there 3 component it.
- the start datetime (in mysql datetime), retrieved mysql.
- the duration (minutes in integer), retrieved mysql.
- the current datetime, retrieved php function now().
to count:
- the remaining time (in time hh:mm:ss), formula
(start + duration) - now
my propose code is:
$row = data->fetch_assoc(); $start = $row["start_time"]; // e.g: "2015-06-19 09:37:16" $duration = $row["duration"]; // e.g: 60 (minutes) $now = time(); // e.g: 1434648994 $start_dt = strtotime ($start); $remaining = ($start_dt + $duration * 60) - $now; echo "remaining time: ".$remaining. " seconds."
is correct?
your code calculates time until end of event.
and if $start_dt
lower $now
negative value.
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