encryption - gpg signing seems to "remove" integrity -
the google not answering question because google results flooded question similar mine in form quite different in meaning. i'm mentioning because know there common issue complaint message integrity when cast5 (the default) used. want clear not asking cast5, asking question aes256 (always aes256, have default set aes256), i'm curious differences between signed , unsigned. okay, so, here goes:
when using gpg aes256, message integrity "turned on" default don't complaints message integrity when encrypting symmetrically aes256. example, suppose have file "test.txt":
$ ls test.txt $ cat test.txt blah blah blah
and encrypt symmetrically:
$ gpg --symmetric ./test.txt <---[symmetric aes256] $ ls test.txt test.txt.gpg $ gpg -d ./test.txt.gpg gpg: aes256 encrypted data gpg: encrypted 1 passphrase <---[no complaint integrity] blah blah blah
but, if add signature gpg complains message integrity, though i'm still using aes256. this:
$ gpg --symmetric --sign ./test.txt need passphrase unlock secret key user: "hft" 4096-bit rsa key gpg: aes256 encryption used
now, when decrypt complaint integrity:
$ gpg -d ./test.txt.gpg gpg: aes256 encrypted data gpg: encrypted 1 passphrase blah blah blah gpg: signature made thu, jun 18, 2015 gpg: signature "hft" gpg: warning: message not integrity protected
i know can force complaint go away of use --force-mdc this:
$ gpg --symmetric --sign --force-mdc ./test.txt
but, question is: gpg "turn off" aes256 macing integrity when elect sign message private key? though "turned on" aes256 when don't sign? or bug? seems ridiculous turn off integrity mac because signed asymmetric key.
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