c# - Progress Bar in WPF - stuck in 50% -
so have class backgroundworker , progressbar on gui this
public class mcrypt { public byte[] datablock; public byte[] ivblock; public static bitmap fingerprintimg; public byte[] tempx; public byte[] tempangles; public byte[] tempy; public byte[] tempkey; public byte[] x; public byte[] y; public byte[] angles; public byte[] key; public int nom; public mcrypt(backgroundworker bw, string imgloc, string fileloc, byte[] ivblock) { if (!bw.cancellationpending) { bw.reportprogress(0); loadimg(imgloc); bw.reportprogress(7); detectminutiae(fingerprintimg); bw.reportprogress(25); convertvalues(); bw.reportprogress(30); loadfile(fileloc); // loadfile method contains datablock = file.readallbytes(fileloc); bw.reportprogress(35); handlelength(ivblock); bw.reportprogress(40); manageinitkey(); bw.reportprogress(45); generatekey(); bw.reportprogress(50); } } public byte[] encryptfile(backgroundworker bgw) { if(!bw.cancellationpending) { for(int = 0, < (datablock.length / 16), i++) { //doing cryptographical process here ... //progressbar updates if((i / (datablock.length / 16)) + 50 != 100) bgw.reportprogress((i / (datablock.length / 16)) + 50); else bgw.reportprogress(100); } } } }
as tried run app, progressbar updates when constructor runs. leaving progressbar in 50% state until process finish. don't understand why didn't work. idea? in advance
you're not using backgroundworker
correctly, , you're locking ui thread.
move calls loadimg()
, loadfile();
, reportprogress()
event. also, may have modify methods doing, if touch ui @ all.
i'd recommend reading this: threading in c#: backgroundworker
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