It's not possible to edit a SonarQube rule because it's not displayed -
we updated sonarqube 4.2 4.5.4 have problem following java rule:
key : squid:methodcyclomaticcomplexity name: methods should not complex
the rule used in analysis , several complexity issues correctly found, it's not possible edit rule (to change threshold value, example) because rule not displayed in web interface:
steps reproduce issue:
- log in sonarqube
- click on rules
- search "methodcyclomaticcomplexity"
- click on methodcyclomaticcomplexity rule found @ left side of window
result: nothing appears @ right side of window!!!
please, resolve this?
the "data/es" folder should not copied when doing sonarqube upgrade (see "upgrading" guide).
so solve issue:
- stop sq
- drop "data/es" folder
- restart sq, et voilĂ !
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