powershell - Getting installed programs and filtering them by publisher -
ok, can list of installed programs via get-wmiobject win32_product | select name
i'd list of select publishers "microsoft" , "google".
so programs installed:
adobe reader - adobe
itunes - apple
chrome - google
visual studio- microsoft
run program output:
visual studio
thank help.
when in doubt, read documentation. publisher name stored in vendor
property, can filter results this:
$vendors = 'microsoft corporation', 'google' $names = get-wmiobject win32_product | ? { $vendors -contains $_.vendor } | select -expand name
fuzzy matches on list of vendors little more complicated. should work, though:
$vendors = 'microsoft', 'google' $names = get-wmiobject win32_product | ? { $vendors | ? { $_.vendor -like "*$_*" } } | select -expand name
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