r - Issue with subsetting data; not picking up observations for one category -
i'm attempting subset data in r 1 column of spreadsheet 3 different categories: cod, haddock , whiting. reason however, haddock not working , saying there no observations subset, when in fact there should 51 - other 2 categories subsetting fine observations accounted for. can reasons this? spreadsheet appears ok, , doesn't seem contain obvious problems, there overlooking?
ok, here's part of data set here...
opcode species distancefromcoast sa_f1_280714_c4_1 atlantic cod 583.69 sa_f1_280714_c4_1 haddock 583.69 sa_f1_280714_c4_1 whiting 583.69 sa_f1_290714_c2_10 atlantic cod 892.51 sa_f1_290714_c2_10 haddock 892.51 sa_f1_290714_c2_10 whiting 892.51 sa_f1_280714_c4_6 haddock 1080.5 sa_f1_280714_c4_6 whiting 1080.5 sa_f1_280714_c4_6 atlantic cod 1080.5 sa_f1_280714_c4_7 whiting 1030.59 sa_f1_280714_c4_7 haddock 1030.59 sa_f1_280714_c4_7 atlantic cod 1030.59
maybe there class
of variables. try
str(dat) 'data.frame': 12 obs. of 3 variables: $ opcode : factor w/ 4 levels "sa_f1_280714_c4_1",..: 1 1 1 4 4 4 2 2 2 3 ... $ species : factor w/ 3 levels "atlantic cod",..: 1 2 3 1 2 3 2 3 1 3 ... $ distancefromcoast: num 584 584 584 893 893 ...
a grouping operation should work fine,
library(dplyr) dat %>% group_by(species) %>% summarise(ave.dist = mean(distancefromcoast)) # species ave.dist # 1 atlantic cod 896.8225 # 2 haddock 896.8225 # 3 whiting 896.8225
to graph group using ggplot2
, need specify grouping option in aes
(ie. color, shape, group, etc).
library(ggplot2) ggplot(dat, aes(x=species, y=distancefromcoast, fill=species)) + geom_bar(stat="identity")
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