https - How can I send this XML request to my server and have it send to and get a response from another server -
my situation need send xml request user validation server desktop application installed on multiple users workstations. validation server has strict whitelist policy not accept request multiple users ip change regularly.
i think solution have desktop application send xml request coldfusion webserver, webserver somehow send validation server , send response desktop app. i've no idea how accomplish , have little control on webserver, pretty strict on can put on there.
the request pretty simple on https:
<?xml version ="1.0"?> <cspinput appid="asdfasdf" apppassword="asdf1234" > <account userid="johndoe" action="authenticate"> <password>mypasswd1234</password> </account> </cspinput>
and response:
<?xml version ="1.0"?> <cspoutput returncode="0"> <account userid="johndoe" action="authenticate"> <returnvalue>true</returnvalue> </account> </cspoutput>
to clear issue how xml through server , validation server. need use or need create it? have access coldfusion/asp web server.
try this...
first, save packet.
<cfsavecontent variable="thexmlpacket"> <cspinput appid="asdfasdf" apppassword="asdf1234" > <account userid="johndoe" action="authenticate"> <password>mypasswd1234</password> </account> </cspinput> </cfsavecontent>
then use cfhttp post processing server.
<cfhttp method="post" url="" result="xmlresult"> <cfhttpparam type="xml" value="#xmlparse(thexmlpacket)#" /> </cfhttp>
then process result
<cfif structkeyexists(xmlresult.responseheader,"status_code") , xmlresult.responseheader.status_code eq 200> <!--- request successful ---> <cfoutput>#xmlparse(xmlresult.filecontent)#</cfoutput> <cfelse> <!--- request failed ---> <cfdump var="#xmlresult#" /> </cfif>
notice xml declaration ( <?xml version ="1.0"?> ) has been removed packet, invalid characters before may case java error.
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