r - How to format columns in xtable output -
i have data.frame df , i'm using xtable create html table:
product n° clients capital (usd) part. capital (%) 1 536 2616925 33.62 2 b 151 1613035 20.72 3 c 112 1007983 12.95
the problem when generating html:
df.tab <- xtable(df, align = "cccrc",latex.environments="center", format.args = list(digits = 2, format = c("s","d","d","d","f"), big.mark = ","), floating = false) print(df.tab,type = "html", include.rownames=false, file = "df.tab.html")
i expect columns (part. capital) have 2 decimal places (even if elements may integers) , comma separator "," , other columns treated integers result not way:
product n° clients capital (usd) part. capital (%) 1 536 2616925.00 33.62 2 b 151 1613035.00 20.72 3 c 112 1007983.00 12.95
btw, had align , format "invisible" column because without couldn't work. appreciated.
this should work:
df[,3]<-format(as.numeric(df[,3]),big.mark=",") df.tab <- xtable(df, align = "cccrc",latex.environments="center", format.args = list(digits = 2, format = c("d","d","s","f"))) print(df.tab,type = "html", include.rownames=false, file = "df.tab.html")
in r
results in
product n° clients capital (usd) part. capital (%) [1,] "a" "536" "2,616,925" "33.62" [2,] "b" "151" "1,613,035" "20.72" [3,] "c" "112" "1,007,983" "12.95"
the html version looks this:
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