ios - Restkit NSInternalInconsistencyException Unable to add mapping for keyPath -
fyi, i'm not familiar restkit's api. prefer other means of deserializing json domain objects; however, i've inherited project , quickest solution fix bug.
i'm trying map "assignments" in below json "doctorassignments" 1-many relationship in core data.
example json:
{ "id": 43, "time_zone": "mountain time (us & canada)", "accepting_patients": true, "auto_set_context_id": 44, "audio_notifications": false, "assignments": [ { "id": 14, "active_since": "2015-06-17t23:26:03z", "doctor": { "id": 44, "name": "darth vader psyd", "title": "dr.", "bio": "", "type": "doctor", "profile_image_url": "", "credential_id": 214 } } ], "practice": { "id": 2, "name": "test practice", "address": "", "phone": "", "fax": "", "created_at": "2013-06-11t17:49:48z", "updated_at": "2013-06-11t17:49:48z", "email": "", "city": "", "state": "", "zip": "" } }
+ (rkentitymapping *)responsemapping { if (_responsemapping == nil) { _responsemapping = [rkentitymapping mappingforentityforname:[cmduser entityname] inmanagedobjectstore:[nsmanagedobject managedobjectstore]]; _responsemapping.identificationattributes = @[ cmduserattributes.userid, cmduserattributes.type ]; [_responsemapping addattributemappingsfromdictionary:@{ @"id" : cmduserattributes.userid, @"type" : cmduserattributes.type, @"profile_image_url" : cmduserattributes.profilepic, @"credential_id" : cmduserattributes.credentialid, @"name" :, @"last_name" : cmduserattributes.lastname, @"first_name" : cmduserattributes.firstname, @"allergies" : cmduserattributes.allergies, @"medications" : cmduserattributes.medications, @"history" : cmduserattributes.history, @"email" :, @"location" : cmduserattributes.location, @"zipcode" : cmduserattributes.zipcode, @"gender" : cmduserattributes.gender, @"dob" : cmduserattributes.dob, @"relationship.state" : cmduserattributes.relationshipstate, @"relationship.status" : cmduserattributes.relationshipstatus, @"relationship.onboarded_at" : cmduserattributes.onboardedat, @"auto_set_context_id" : cmduserattributes.autosetcontextid, @"phone" : @"phone", }]; } // taking line out removes exception, json isn't mapped [_responsemapping addpropertymapping:[rkrelationshipmapping relationshipmappingfromkeypath:@"assignments" tokeypath:@"doctorassignments" withmapping:[cmddoctorassignment mapping]]]; return _responsemapping; }
on launch error: terminating app due uncaught exception 'nsinternalinconsistencyexception', reason: 'unable add mapping keypath doctorassignments, 1 exists...'
note: i've omitted fields in json. in mapping, not have
@"assignments": @"doctorassignments"
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