Perl - Hash and the => operator -
so im learning perl , got chapter hashes. understand '=>' operator alias comma operator. when try make value undef warning
use of uninitialized value $last_name{"dino"} in concatenation (.) or string @ ./ line 18.
use warnings; use strict; %last_name = ( fred => 'flintston', dino => undef, barney => 'rubble', betty => 'rubble', ); $key; $value; if(%last_name) { foreach $key (sort keys %last_name) { print("$key => $last_name{$key}\n"); } }
but when change hash line to:
my %last_name = ( fred => 'flintston', dino => undef => barney => 'rubble', betty => 'rubble', );
it works fine , returns value undef. did replace comma operator separating key/value '=>' operator.
why later work not former if 2 operators supposed same?
they not same. "fat comma" 1 more thing: quotes left hand side operand when it's bareword. therefore,
undef, 1
is equivalent to
undef(), 1
undef => 1
is equivalent
'undef', 1
see perlop:
the => operator synonym comma except causes word on left interpreted string if begins letter or underscore , composed of letters, digits , underscores.
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